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Lead: Resilient and Integrated Sustainable Logistics

Research Areas

Prof. Nathaniel Boso

Nathaniel Boso is a Professor and Dean at KNUST School of Business, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana. He is also a Visiting Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Strathmore Business School (Kenya) and University of Kigali (Rwanda. He was previously an Associate Professor at the University of Leeds, UK.

His research focuses on the interface between international entrepreneurship, innovation and marketing strategy. His research has won multiple awards, including 2017 Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Best Conference paper, Best Empirical Paper Award at the 25th United States Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, and Nominee for 2014 Academy of International Business Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar Award.

Nathaniel has published in leading scholarly journals such as the Journal of Business Venturing (FT 50 Journal and rated 4 in the CABS Journal Quality List), Journal of Product Innovation Management (rated 4 in the CABS Journal Quality List) and Journal of Business Ethics (FT 50 Journal). He is a regular speaker at international conferences on International Entrepreneurship, Cross-cultural Management, and African International Business issues.

Nathaniel sits on the editorial review board of International Marketing Review and Journal of African Business as an Associate Editor. His teaching interests include International Marketing Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Advanced Research Methods. He is also a specialist educator in Structural Equation Modelling.

Nathaniel has also played several academic leadership roles including directorship of postgraduate research in marketing at University of Leeds (United Kingdom), doctoral programme directorship at KNUST and conference chairmanships.

He is currently Vice-Chair of Academy of International Business African Chapter. He received his Ph.D. from Loughborough University (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA Accredited) in 2011, and is a Professional Chartered Marketer at the Chartered Instituting of Marketing in the United Kingdom.