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Lead: Sustainable Urban Public Transport Systems Research

Research Areas

Prof. Clifford Amoako

Clifford Amoako is an Associate Professor at the Department of Planning, KNUST- Kumasi, Ghana. He is currently the Coordinator of Postgraduate Planning Programs. He holds a PhD in Geography and Environmental Science from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and MPhil (Planning) from KNUST. He has been with the Department of Planning, KNUST since 2007, serving in various capacities including the Director of Undergraduate Planning Programs. As an academic, Clifford has taught, researched into and supervised students in thematic areas such as: urban and rural transport, environmental and infrastructure planning; and spatial development planning techniques. He is multidisciplinary Development Planner, whose current research activities are in urban planning/governance, rural transportation and poverty reduction; and vulnerability to urban flood risks in Africa. He approaches interdisciplinary development themes with multiple theoretical and methodological lenses.

Clifford has been involved in a number of international research collaborations. Notable among these includes, his involvement with The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) to evaluate the World Bank Group’s (WBG’s) support to Urban Resilience in Accra, Ghana. He is also engaged as the Monitoring and Evaluation expert on the Deltas, Vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation (DECCMA) project in Ghana. This project is within the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA). CARIAA aims to build the resilience of vulnerable populations and their livelihoods in three climate change hot spots in Africa and Asia namely: The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna, Mahanadi and Volta deltas in Bangladesh, India and Ghana respectively. The project is funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). Prof. Amoako was also key in the SECO funded EPFL-KNUST Capacity Building in Urban Mobility and Transportation (CUMT) collaboration, which has produced a number of on-going research projects in urban transportation, and a master’s program in Transportation Planning situated at the Department of Planning, KNUST.

In the past 20 years, Clifford has provided consultancy services in urban and rural transport planning, strategic regional development planning, social impact assessment (SIA) and resettlement action plans (RAP) associated with infrastructure projects and climate change impact studies. He has also been involved in environmental impact studies for projects being implemented by some international institutions including the European Union, World Bank and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. He has been involved with others in providing consultancy services in the planning and implementation of numerous development projects; project monitoring and evaluation, transport feasibility studies and poverty reduction projects in Ghana and other West African Countries. 

As interdisciplinary planning academic and consultant, Prof. Amoako is capable of blending participatory appraisal techniques with structured methodologies to elicit stakeholder concerns on development projects in both urban and rural settings.  He also has a full understanding of local and international protocols and concepts that guide the preparation of urban and regional plans/development framework, environmental impact assessment (EIA), and project monitoring and evaluation. He is also conversant with the use of computer based analytical software such as Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) software, LIMDEP, ANOVA and Excel for analysing data as well as spatial planning tools such GIS.

The results of many of his research projects and consultancy services have been disseminated through academic papers and conference presentations. His research activities have yielded a number of publications, some of which have been listed in this CV. He has over 70 research and working papers and consultancy reports on urban informality, flood vulnerability and risk management to his credit. Prof. Amoako is currently the Vice President (Spatial) of the Ghana Institute of Planners (GIP).


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